Practical Nursing Product Choices for You Now

new mother nursing products

Breastfeeding is not always an enjoyable experience. Our five-question survey was designed to help you navigate this sensitive time while also caring for your breasts.

new mother nursing products

Is it necessary to prepare your breasts before breastfeeding?

The notion that it was essential to “condition” your breasts for nursing during pregnancy was long held to be false. As a result, beginning in the eighth month, prospective mothers were encouraged to massage their breasts, cover themselves in moisturizer or lemon juice, and stimulate their nipples with a toothbrush. With the new mother nursing products, you can now get the best of the lot.

However, we now know that all of this is unneeded since the preparation for nursing is already being done in the future mother on her own! The breasts grow in size, the lactiferous ducts, and vascular network expand, and the nipples get harder during pregnancy, as a result of this process. Moreover, after delivery, the levels of progesterone and estrogen (the hormones that restrict the production of milk) drop, enabling the mammary glands to begin producing milk almost immediately.

Furthermore, it has been shown that if we become too “crazy,” if we subject ourselves to harsh therapies, breastfeeding may suffer. Things are preferable to leave it to Mother Nature!

Is the nursing bra really necessary?

It has been said that the size of the breasts increases during pregnancy. It may also cause discomfort in the breasts in some women since the skin is tighter and the weight that has to be sustained is higher. Also, it is very essential to invest in a proper bra, with broad straps (to reduce back discomfort and irritation on the shoulders) and perhaps underwire (to support the breasts) (it all depends on the comfort of each).

However, following delivery, the breasts will continue to grow in size. It may be essential to use a nursing bra (which is convenient since it can be unfastened) in order to adequately support the breasts, which are under continuous stress throughout pregnancy. Each woman behaves in her own way, depending on the level of pain she is experiencing: some may even wear their bra at night, in which case we would suggest a model that does not include underwear.

How can I stay away from crevices?

Unlike liver health, cracks are small, painful micro-lesions that may develop in the nipple or areola and cause discomfort. A poor breastfeeding posture is the most common source of these problems: the infant is improperly installed, he does not accept the breast in his mouth, and so on.

Obtaining appropriate positioning for your kid is important; do not be afraid to seek assistance from a midwife, whether in the maternity hospital or at home (during the first 12 months, your child is covered by 100 percent social security). There are also breastfeeding moms’ exchange groups: don’t feel alone if you’re nursing your child. Additionally, try to change breastfeeding positions as often as possible to avoid straining the same regions of the nipple on a consistent basis.


To finish the feed, I suggest making a drop of milk and spreading it on the nipple at the conclusion of the process. A moisturizing and healing ingredient, it will be much more effective than any lotion you could use!